8月26日,WMC2022世界元宇宙大会在北京大兴经济开发区开幕。元宇宙大会科技成果体验展上,观众在体验可穿戴式传感器与虚拟数字人“班昭”互动。新京报记者 李木易 耿子叶 摄影报道

China’s first metaverse major was set up at a university in East China’s Jiangsu Province in the hope of training more talents in line with the needs of enterprises in metaverse-related sectors. 

The School of Artificial Intelligence (School of Future Technology) of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in Nanjing, Jiangsu, renamed its Information Engineering Department to Metaverse Engineering Department on Friday, becoming the first university department named after the metaverse in China. 

Pan Zhigeng, dean of the School of Artificial Intelligence (School of Future Technology), told the Global Times on Sunday that the renamed department will be integrated with more metaverse-related courses and disciplines to train more talents in line with the needs of enterprises in metaverse-related sectors. 

According to Pan, the metaverse is the integration of a vast range of technologies and applications such as Internet of Things (IoT), block chain, artificial intelligence and smart healthcare. Talents trained at the department can meet the demands of companies in a variety of sectors including smart healthcare, smart education and digital tourism. 

source: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1276061.shtml

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