Facebook on Thursday announced that it is introducing Horizon Worlds, its virtual reality world of avatars, for users who are the age of 18 and above in the US and Canada. Eligible users who own Facebook’s Oculus virtual reality headsets can create a legless avatar that will wander in the animated virtual world, play games, and interact with other users’ avatars. Earlier, Horizon Worlds was available for select users in Beta who needed an invite to join. After the announcement, users will no longer need an invite.
As per reports, Horizon Worlds is nowhere close to a fully realised metaverse, where online experiences like chatting to a friend would eventually feel face-to-face thanks to virtual reality (VR) headsets. As of now, Horizontal Worlds app users will require users to have the proper equipment.
Source: https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/facebook-opens-horizon-worlds-vr-app-to-public-inches-close-to-metaverse-1886456-2021-12-10