As we move into the NFT 2.0 technology space, we see a more innovative and accessible approach to creating a user-centric experience where participants can benefit from utility. Web3 marketers are also delving into how brands can position themselves to continue generating profit from NFT ventures while adding value to their products. However, for NFTs to thrive in the Web3 ecosystem, consumers need storytelling and value proposition, especially in an environment where technology is constantly evolving.

Web3 marketing agencies have been carefully implementing brands into the metaverse to build awareness and actual utility for consumers they engage with. However, for a brand to be true to its fan base, its digital assets must incorporate audience and community engagement to create a worthwhile experience and keep consumers coming back.

How top brands use the metaverse to create a utility-centric experience

The metaverse provides brands a landscape to reinvent themselves. What they deliver in the real world doesn’t have to be exactly what they deliver in the metaverse. That being said, brands that have entered the metaverse successfully are respecting their core business while finding ways to express it a little differently. For example, Under Armour’s Curry brand was able to launch a metaverse campaign of exclusive, digital shoes that went beyond simply buying virtual shoes. The digital assets were continuously released over the course of the 2022 NBA playoffs and contingent upon Steph Curry’s performance. It gave fans a new way to engage with each NBA game they watched and allowed Under Armour to reach a new audience while building out its digital footprint in


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