Shot of a young businessman using a virtual reality headset in a modern office

IT’S Monday morning and time for the weekly team meeting. Sammy King takes his virtual reality headset out of the drawer in the desk of his home office and straps it onto his head. With just a few clicks he finds himself transported in avatar form to a virtual meeting room, where he’s sitting at a long table. He can see that a few of his colleagues – or at least their avatars – have already arrived. He chats to one of them, who’s sitting next to him and whom he hasn’t seen for a while. Across the table a few other colleagues are also having a conversation as they wait for the meeting to start. The avatars of others in the team are appearing, as if by magic, in the remaining empty seats.

Colleagues who don’t have access to the VR tech have dialled in on video and can be seen on a screen at the side of the meeting room – just like colleagues dialling in on a video call in a real-life meeting. At the head of the table, there’s a large whiteboard and, as the meeting progresses, team members are able to share files or slides or their own laptop screen for everyone to see…


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